
Orthodontics for a brighter life.

Doctor | Orthodontist



Born in Wakayama, Japan

Graduated, Seifu-Nankai High School
DDS Degree, Osaka Dental University
PhD Degree, Osaka Dental University (Orthodontics)
Assistant Professor, Osaka Dental University Department of Orthodontics
E-Smile Orthodontic Office (Tennoji-ku, Osaka)
E-Smile Orthodontic Office (Ashiya, Hyogo)
E-Smile International Orthodontics (Osaka and Ashiya)

Master member and Instructor: Japanese Academy of Nonextraction Orthodontics
Regular member at large: EH Angle Society of Orthodontics
Key Opinion Leader: Biolux Research Ltd.
Invisalign Clinical Speaker: Align Technology Japan


While in junior high school, Dr. Hirohide Arimoto was given a four biscuspid extraction by his father, Takayuki Arimoto, who opened the first orthodontic clinic in the Kinki region of Japan in 1965.

In 1995, he visited Dr. Greenfield's clinic in Florida, sceptical that the clinic had treated 98.5 percent of its patients using non-extraction treatment.

In 1996, Dr. Arimoto became an instructor of Dr. Greenfield’s non-extraction methods, founding the Japanese Academy of Non-Extraction Orthodontics (JANO). He established a diagnostic and treatment system called Molar Oriented Orthodontics (MOO) based on Dr. Greenfield's CAD system, and published "Molar Oriented Orthodontics" from the publisher Ishiyaku-Shuppan in 2011.

He was invited as a presenter and received the Table Clinic Award as a member of JANO at the annual meeting of the American Association of Orthodontists at Philadelphia in 2002. He was also invited as a speaker at the first meeting of the Italian Non-Extraction Orthodontic Society in 2007, and he was the special lecturer at the eighth meeting of the Kyushu Orthodontic Society. In 2015, he was a speaker at the 41st Biennial National Meeting of the Edward H. Angle Society in Pasadena, California.

He has conducted MOO nonextraction seminars in Japan, US, Italy, Korea, India, Hong Kong and other foreign countries. He began providing invisalign treatments based on the MOO philosophy in 2014. Now he is the one of 12 Official Invisalign Clinical Speaker in Japan. The following year he began to use OrthoPulse®, the first oral device to use photobiomodulation for painless and accelerated tooth movement. As the world's most experienced user of OrthoPulse®, he has also been a speaker of photobiomodulation in orthodontics and Light Accelerated Orthodontics at the the Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics (JAAO), the German Association for Aligner Orthodontics (DGAO), the French Aligner Society (SFOPA), and the Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontics. He is also one of 9 key opinion leader of Biolux Research in the world.

Joseph E. Johnson Table Clinic Award (as a member of the Japanese Academy of Non-Extraction Orthodontics)

Appreciation Award from Naple University, Italy

Memorial lecture to mark publication of non-extraction treatment textbook.

Invited lecture at the American Association of Orthodontists.

Seminar in Modena, Italy

Seminar in Chennai, India


『非抜歯矯正治療 - Molar Oriented Orthodonticsの実際(医歯薬出版 2011)』共著者

有本博英・賀久浩生・篠原範行 著/医歯薬出版 有本が師事して来たグリーンフィールドのCADテクニックを、3人の盟友とともにMOOテクニックとしてまとめた、本格的非抜歯矯正治療に関する日本唯一の著書。

『一歩抜け出す未来志向の歯科医ライフ(医歯薬出版 2014)』共著者

有本博英・賀久浩生・篠原範行 著/医歯薬出版 日本人=歯が悪い、というのは海外の常識。なのに日本では歯科医師過剰と言われています。日本人の歯を美しくするのは日本の歯科プロフェッショナルたちの仕事。若手歯科医師向けに書かれた、これからの歯科医ライフを楽しむための本。


  • KAKU JK., ARIMOTO H., SINOHARA N., GREENFIELD RL. Use of Tip-Edge brackets to reduce posterior anchorage requirements after molar distalization. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. 2004; 38 (4); 320-324.
  • 有本博英、賀久浩生、篠原範行. Molar Oriented Orthodontics 歯界展望12回連続掲載 2009 113(1)-114(6)
  • 有本博英,覚道健治.歯科矯正治療における技術革新と顎変形症治療におけるパラダイムシフト - 顎変形症治療におけるミニマルインターベンション -.顎変形誌24(4)285-297, 2014
  • 有本博英. MOOにおける成長期II級治療の考え方. 矯正イヤーブック2015.
  • 有本博英. 病的歯牙移動と歯槽骨不足の上顎前突2例. 矯正イヤーブック2016.


  • American Association of Orthodontist 102nd Annual Session (2002/5/6 Philadelphia)
    『Molar Position, Transverse Dimension, Nonextraction Treatment - Update of Celtin Philosophy (臼歯の位置づけ、横断方向、非抜歯治療 - セトリンフィロソフィーのアップデート)』
  • First International Congress La Terrapin Non Estrattiva secondo Norman Cetlin (2007/6/1 Napoli)
    『Una peculiará della Filosofia di Celtic: l’effetto anti-invecciamento conseguente alla strategia orientata dai molari Insight of Celtic Philosophy: Anti-Aging Effect followed by Molar Oriented Strategy (セトリンフィロソフィーの考察:臼歯を中心とした戦略によるアンチエイジング効果)』
  • 第24回日本舌側矯正学会シンポジスト(2012/11/23 大阪市)
    『ライフステージからみた不正咬合治療におけるPAOOの意義について(The significance of PAOO for the treatment of malocclusions relevant to the life stage.)』
  • 第8回九州矯正歯科学会学術大会特別講演(2013/2/3 北九州市) 『サステイナブルな矯正治療(Sustainable Orthodontics)』
  • 第23回日本顎変形症学会総会シンポジスト(2013/6/23 大阪市)
    『歯槽骨欠乏を伴う顎変形症に対する歯周的骨造成のアプローチ(Periodontally Osteogenic Approach for Jaw Deformity of Alveolar Bone Insufficiency. )』
  • 日本アンチエイジング歯科学会第9回学術大会(2014/5/18 大阪市) 『アンチエイジング矯正の概念(The Concept of Anti-Aging Orthodontics)』
  • The Edward H. Angle Society 41st Biennial Meeting (2015/9/26 Pasadena)
    『The significance of PAOO for the treatment of malocclusions relevant to the life stage. (ライフステージからみた不正咬合治療におけるPAOOの意義について)』
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie 4. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress für Aligner Orthodontie (2016/11/18 Köln)
    『Clinical Tips for Accelerated Aligner Orthodontics (加速矯正治療における臨床的ヒント)』




Born in Nara Japan

Graduated Otani High School
Graduated Osaka Dental University
大阪歯科大学 臨床研修課程修了
大阪歯科大学 歯科矯正学講座入局


Dr. Oshima lived in the United States for three years as a child with her father, who is a doctor. There she met a friend, who while treating various diseases said that "the most painful thing is to lose your teeth," a comment that would teach her the importance of healthy teeth. After returning to Japan, she received orthodontic treatment, and realizing the importance of oral health she decided to become a dentist. After graduating from Osaka Dental University, she worked at a general dental clinic, and studied at the university's orthodontic department. In her nine years training at the university hospital, she has learned various treatment methods including tooth extraction, non-extraction methods and surgical procedures. Currently she is in charge of orthodontic treatment for a wide range of cases at dental clinics in Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo and Nara.